Myös ITF tuki PAU:n työtaistelua
Kansainvälinen Kuljetustyöntekijöiden federaatio (ITF) osallistui PAU:n työtaistelun tukemiseen.
Posti- ja logistiikka-alan unioni PAU ja Kuljetusliitot kiittävät ITF:ää sen solidaarisuudesta puolustaa kuljetusalan työntekijöiden työehtoja.
ITF supports Finnish Post and Logistical Workers’ Union strike
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the 18 million transport workers worldwide that the federation represents pledge support for the 10,000 members of the Finnish Post and Logistical Workers’ Union PAU who have been on strike since the 11th of November.
The ITF is a democratic global union federation of 670 transport workers trade unions representing over 18 million workers in 150 countries. The ITF works to improve the lives of transport workers globally, encouraging and organising international solidarity among its network of affiliates.
We denounce the attempts by Posti, a company owned by the Finnish Government, to drive down workers’ wages, and stand in solidarity with the postal workers and their two-week strike action against the 30-40 percent pay cuts that have been announced by the company.
On Monday, several other Finnish unions, including ITF affiliates the Finnish Aviation Union and Finnish Seafarers’ Union, joined the strike in solidarity causing disruptions in transport hubs across the country.
The ITF calls on Posti to reach a resolution with the 700 workers at the heart of this dispute and end its attempts to transfer these workers to an inferior collective agreement.
We support all lawful actions taken by ITF Finnish affiliates in support of the postal union and supports PAU in its fight to preserve its members and Finnish postal workers terms and conditions of employment. We call on all of our affiliates globally to show their solidarity and support to Finnish postal workers in their struggle.
Paddy Crumlin
Stephen Cotton
General Secretary